Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is [RISOUNDIFY]?

Answer: [ Risoundify is your one stop audio house for accessing all kinds and types of audio files, sounds and contents..]

2. Is [Risoundify] free to use?

Answer: [totally free to use, no need for any form of registrations.]

3. How can I contact for support?

Answer: click here to contact us

4. What types of audio content can I download on [Risoundify]?

Answer: [, podcasts, sound effects,  loops, keyboard beats, instrumentals, beats, movie scores, soundtracks and lots etc.]

5. How do I download audio files from [Risoundify]?

Answer: [for free files, click on the  three dots one the audio player to see download option
for paid contents; your files are automatically sent to your email after successful payments. ]

6. Are the downloaded audio files available in different formats?

Answer: audio files are available in various formats. however the most common format for access is MP3 format.
waves or other format can be requested by contacting us.
data files and raw files can also be accessed by contacting us ,they come with special pricing and it is subject to availability where the creator is contacted.

7. Can I use the downloaded audio files for commercial projects?

Answer: [files once purchased can be used for commercial purpose ,however fair usuage applies and we reserve the right to contact you for compensation where files are used to get massive streams,income or downloads.this applies mainly to mp3 and wave files.

This clause does not apply to those who buy the data of audio files or contents as once a file is purchased as well as the data, the purchaser has exclusive right over the file forever and can use it as they please, also the exclusive files can not be sold to any more persons and will be marked   unpurchasable ,exclusive]

note: mp3 files bought or downloaded will never be flagged for copyright on any platform used. unless. fair usuage applies. please refer to line one of no.7

8. Are there any restrictions on the usage of audio files from [ Risoundify]?

Answer: [[files once purchased can be used for commercial purpose ,however fair usuage applies and we reserve the right to contact you for compensation where files are used to get massive streams,income or downloads .this applies mainly to mp3 and wave files.

This clause does not apply to those who buy the data of audio files or contents as once a file is purchased as well as the data, the purchaser has exclusive right over the file forever and can use it as they please, also the exclusive files can not be sold to any more persons and will be marked   unpurchasable ,exclusive]

9. Do you provide copyright information for the audio content available?
Answer;note: mp3 files bought or downloaded will never be flagged for copyright on any platform used. unless. fair usuage applies. please refer to line one of no.7

for exclusive content, the purchaser purchases all rights

10.     I cannot find the sound i looking for in Risoundifyhub?
answer; you can always contact us for custom sound and audio creation. we can create anything you can think, reference or imagine. we are proffessionals. however this service comes with a special price tag ,that will be negotiated on contact. refer to q.3 for contact link

11. can't find the question or answer i want.
answer: refer to q3